Finally the email letting me know my decals are ready to pick up!
I've been waiting over 12 months for them and now they are in my hands. I can finally finish off some of those projects. Over all about 3 sheets of decals and I am very happy with the outcome. As you will see I like to do things away from the norm hence the custom decals. Now I just need a fine weekend to do some weathering with the airbrush.
These decals will be good for 30 CHS hoppers which I am doing NPJH limestone variants.(Right sheet). The 9 WSC sleeper wagons, 6 GLV louvered vans, a few ballast hoppers and some MLE/TME wagons.(left sheet) 25 BWH wagons will be decaled from the top left sheet and one lonely VTGX tanker. Pretty good value for about $50 bucks, well worth the wait.
A breif overview of the result of another wet weekend. I was able to renumber the 9 WSC wagons, 7 NPJH limestone hoppers and what can be seen here. A very productive weekend thanks to the wet weather.
It may be hard to make out but the R has been hand painted on the original. The number board has even been copied. A little weathering will finish this guy off nicely.
Another picture I found was a wriggly R in red background. Again a duplicate, just need to change to yellow bogies and a little weathering.
This wagon is simply a white R on the van. Again a bogie change and some weathering will complete this one.
Here is a ballast hopper I thought I would try. I think the C on the side needs to be much bigger. Also a bogie change and heavy weathering will make this hopper look great. Can anyone tell me what the letter C is for?
Here is a view of the three NPJH arrows of indicision showing the different stages of weathering in the colour. These will get a dry brushing of white down from the decals to replicate the paint in the decals running.
Finally the L wagon recieves its decals. Thanks for the advice on Rob Regans site. I found heaps of picures. Just need to weather this one now.
This tanker has been waiting about 2 years for it's decals. Now they are on, it would have to be my favourite wagon. I can't resist bright colour. A little weathering and i think it will look fantastic.
Lucky last, this tin plate van. It's a bit old for my liking, but I saw the photo on the NSW rollingstock page and had to copy it.
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