Thursday, January 7, 2010

Wagons built for others.

Two Steam Era Models FQF container flats.
VR container flats painted VR red and weathered.

Steam Era Models L 791.
VR sheep wagon painted red

Three AR Kits NPRX's
Cement hoppers painted aluminium and weathered with grey paint and real cement powder.

Railmotor models JAF 505.
VR phospate hopper painted VR red and weathered with white.

Two Steam Era Models GY wagons.
VR wheat wagons painted VR red and heavily weathered.

SRA open wagon painted SRA blue and weathered.

AR Kits BBW W1189.
NSWGR Ballast hopper in black weathered with rust.

Steam Era Models VHGF 463C.
Grain hopper in V/line yellow.

AR Kits NGAX 30852.
NSWGR Grain hopper in Aluminium (weathered) as built.

Railmotor models VHQF 220F
Quarry hopper in VR red.

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